Calendar of Events
April 2025

ZVAS Monthly Bird Walk
Saturday, April 5, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.
Saturday, April 5, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.

Woodcock Walk
Thursday, April 10, 2025 / 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm at Chester Woods Park / Leaders: Mike Degerstrom & Dave Gross
Every spring the Woodcock perform one of the strangest and most interesting mating rituals. We will try to observe it up close, beginning at dusk. Meet in the horse corral parking lot at Chester Woods County Park (southeast of Rochester, MN) at 7:30 PM.
Thursday, April 10, 2025 / 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm at Chester Woods Park / Leaders: Mike Degerstrom & Dave Gross
Every spring the Woodcock perform one of the strangest and most interesting mating rituals. We will try to observe it up close, beginning at dusk. Meet in the horse corral parking lot at Chester Woods County Park (southeast of Rochester, MN) at 7:30 PM.

Volunteer for the Annual Midwest Crane Count
Saturday, April 12, 2025 / 5:30 - 7:30 am / Various assigned locations in Olmsted County
Each year, the International Crane Foundation organizes the Annual Midwest Crane Count, bringing together more than 2,000 volunteers to help track Sandhill and Whooping Cranes across the upper Midwest. On April 12th, volunteers will survey cranes from 5:30-7:30 a.m. at local wetlands and favorite birding spots, spanning over 150 counties in seven states, including Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, and Minnesota.
We invite you to join this exciting citizen science event! To participate, contact Jim Sullivan, Olmsted County Coordinator, to be assigned a survey site and receive all the necessary instructions (basically you sit in one location and listen for cranes). This is a unique opportunity to contribute to crane conservation, learn about these incredible birds, and connect with nature.
Please remember: respect wildlife, maintain a safe distance, and never trespass on private property.
Ready to help? Contact Jim at (507) 254-4223, text preferred, or at
Saturday, April 12, 2025 / 5:30 - 7:30 am / Various assigned locations in Olmsted County
Each year, the International Crane Foundation organizes the Annual Midwest Crane Count, bringing together more than 2,000 volunteers to help track Sandhill and Whooping Cranes across the upper Midwest. On April 12th, volunteers will survey cranes from 5:30-7:30 a.m. at local wetlands and favorite birding spots, spanning over 150 counties in seven states, including Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, and Minnesota.
We invite you to join this exciting citizen science event! To participate, contact Jim Sullivan, Olmsted County Coordinator, to be assigned a survey site and receive all the necessary instructions (basically you sit in one location and listen for cranes). This is a unique opportunity to contribute to crane conservation, learn about these incredible birds, and connect with nature.
Please remember: respect wildlife, maintain a safe distance, and never trespass on private property.
Ready to help? Contact Jim at (507) 254-4223, text preferred, or at

Armstrong Wetlands / Rice Lake State Park Field Trip
Saturday, April 12, 2025 / 8:30 am - early afternoon / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Meet in the Hy-Vee Barlow's south parking lot (nearest Civic Center Drive) at 8:30 am to car pool to the wetlands (about a 45 minute drive). Dress for the weather, bring your own binoculars, lunch, snacks and water. Trails are generally good at Rice Lake but be prepared for uneven ground and possibly muddy/wet areas. At Armstrong Wetlands we'll be parking on the edge of a gravel road. Between both locations we should see several kinds of waterfowl, shorebirds, herons, raptors, woodpeckers, and possibly Sand Hill Cranes. Note: Vehicles entering Rice Lake State Park park must have a MN State Park sticker or purchase a day pass. Note: this field trip may be cancelled if the wetlands are frozen or if it's raining/snowing.
Saturday, April 12, 2025 / 8:30 am - early afternoon / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Meet in the Hy-Vee Barlow's south parking lot (nearest Civic Center Drive) at 8:30 am to car pool to the wetlands (about a 45 minute drive). Dress for the weather, bring your own binoculars, lunch, snacks and water. Trails are generally good at Rice Lake but be prepared for uneven ground and possibly muddy/wet areas. At Armstrong Wetlands we'll be parking on the edge of a gravel road. Between both locations we should see several kinds of waterfowl, shorebirds, herons, raptors, woodpeckers, and possibly Sand Hill Cranes. Note: Vehicles entering Rice Lake State Park park must have a MN State Park sticker or purchase a day pass. Note: this field trip may be cancelled if the wetlands are frozen or if it's raining/snowing.

Rochester Reservoirs Field Trip
Saturday, April 19, 2025 / 7:30 am - Noon / Leader: Mike Degerstrom
Meet in the east parking lot at the RCTC Heintz Center, 1926 Collegeview Rd E, Rochester, MN 55904 to car pool. The flood control reservoirs around Rochester have created some of the best bird habitat in Olmsted County and are more often than not where local rarities are found. We will visit s few to see what we can turn up during migration. There will only be a few short walks totaling less than a mile. Bring a scope and binoculars if you have them.
Saturday, April 19, 2025 / 7:30 am - Noon / Leader: Mike Degerstrom
Meet in the east parking lot at the RCTC Heintz Center, 1926 Collegeview Rd E, Rochester, MN 55904 to car pool. The flood control reservoirs around Rochester have created some of the best bird habitat in Olmsted County and are more often than not where local rarities are found. We will visit s few to see what we can turn up during migration. There will only be a few short walks totaling less than a mile. Bring a scope and binoculars if you have them.

ZVAS Monthly Program - Terry Grier Presents Adventures in Bird Banding
In-person at Quarry Hill Nature Center
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 / 7- 8:15 pm
Terry Grier is well known to many of us as he and his wife Joyce lead the monthly bird walks at Quarry Hill. In this program Terry will talk about the history of bird banding, some of the methods used, and share stories about banding adventures he's had over the years. Did you know that Chickadees are the toughest birds to get out of the nets? They put up a fight every time, while Saw-whet Owls are docile and are tolerant of a lot of handling. And most birds can be temporarily "hypnotized" and will remain still if placed on their backs. This is sure to be a fun talk!
In-person at Quarry Hill Nature Center
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 / 7- 8:15 pm
Terry Grier is well known to many of us as he and his wife Joyce lead the monthly bird walks at Quarry Hill. In this program Terry will talk about the history of bird banding, some of the methods used, and share stories about banding adventures he's had over the years. Did you know that Chickadees are the toughest birds to get out of the nets? They put up a fight every time, while Saw-whet Owls are docile and are tolerant of a lot of handling. And most birds can be temporarily "hypnotized" and will remain still if placed on their backs. This is sure to be a fun talk!

Evening Field Trip to Moon Valley WMA
Wednesday, April 23, 2025 / 6:00 - 8:00 pm / Leader: Mike Degertrom
Meet at 5:45 pm in the Kutzky Park parking lot (400 16th Ave NW Rochester, MN 55901) to car pool to the site near Genoa, MN (approx a 15 minute drive)
Join us for an evening visit to this new wildlife management area (WMA). This WMA has unique geology with small brooks emerging from hillsides and marsh marigolds following seepages down the hillsides. We may see migrating kinglets, sapsuckers, flickers, sparrows, early warblers and other birds. Perhaps we will hear owls as we conclude our walk. As with most WMAs, trails are limited and generally not maintained. Take precautions to avoid ticks. Wear sturdy footwear as we'll have to transverse a hill to leave the valley. This hike is a little more difficult than most of our outings, but we think it's worth it.
Wednesday, April 23, 2025 / 6:00 - 8:00 pm / Leader: Mike Degertrom
Meet at 5:45 pm in the Kutzky Park parking lot (400 16th Ave NW Rochester, MN 55901) to car pool to the site near Genoa, MN (approx a 15 minute drive)
Join us for an evening visit to this new wildlife management area (WMA). This WMA has unique geology with small brooks emerging from hillsides and marsh marigolds following seepages down the hillsides. We may see migrating kinglets, sapsuckers, flickers, sparrows, early warblers and other birds. Perhaps we will hear owls as we conclude our walk. As with most WMAs, trails are limited and generally not maintained. Take precautions to avoid ticks. Wear sturdy footwear as we'll have to transverse a hill to leave the valley. This hike is a little more difficult than most of our outings, but we think it's worth it.

Arbor Day
Friday, April 25, 2025 / 11 am - 1 pm
New Location: Cascade Lake Park, 88 23rd Ave SW, Rochester, MN - In the event of severe weather, the celebration will take place indoors at Rochester Community and Technical College's Field House. located at 840 7th St NE in Rochester.
The annual celebration hosted by Rochester Public Utilities is open to the public. The festivities include live music, lunch, free trees, various vendors, and many family activities. Winners of the elementary school Arbor Day Poster Contest are also announced. ZVAS will be on hand with our Bird Wheel of Fortune and more. Find out more here:
Friday, April 25, 2025 / 11 am - 1 pm
New Location: Cascade Lake Park, 88 23rd Ave SW, Rochester, MN - In the event of severe weather, the celebration will take place indoors at Rochester Community and Technical College's Field House. located at 840 7th St NE in Rochester.
The annual celebration hosted by Rochester Public Utilities is open to the public. The festivities include live music, lunch, free trees, various vendors, and many family activities. Winners of the elementary school Arbor Day Poster Contest are also announced. ZVAS will be on hand with our Bird Wheel of Fortune and more. Find out more here:

Bluebird Recovery Program EXPO 2025
Saturday, April 26, 2025 / 8:00 am - 4:00 pm / NOTE: There is a fee and you must register to attend this Expo
The Bluebird Recovery Program of MN ( is hosting its annual conference in Red Wing, MN at the Red Wing High School.
Three guest speakers will discuss conservation projects at the MN Zoo, planting to attract birds and what's going on at the National Eagle Center. They'll also have a panel of bluebird speakers to talk about how to deal with predators and problems for bluebirds. Several exhibitors (including ZVAS) will have booths with bird and environmental information available. Find out more and register to attend here:
Saturday, April 26, 2025 / 8:00 am - 4:00 pm / NOTE: There is a fee and you must register to attend this Expo
The Bluebird Recovery Program of MN ( is hosting its annual conference in Red Wing, MN at the Red Wing High School.
Three guest speakers will discuss conservation projects at the MN Zoo, planting to attract birds and what's going on at the National Eagle Center. They'll also have a panel of bluebird speakers to talk about how to deal with predators and problems for bluebirds. Several exhibitors (including ZVAS) will have booths with bird and environmental information available. Find out more and register to attend here:

Bird Walk at Root River County Park
Sunday, April 27, 2025 / 9:00 am - noon at Root River County Park / Leader: Sandy Hokanson
Located just south of Rochester near Simpson, Root River has a nice 2 mile loop walking trail and good diverse habitat for a wide variety of birds. We'll look for early-blooming wildflowers, newly arriving migrants like Golden-crowned Kinglets and Yellow-rumped Warblers, and other signs of spring. Dress for the weather. Meet in the parking lot near the picnic tables. Trails can be slippery when wet. This trip will be cancelled if it's raining harder than a light sprinkle.
Sunday, April 27, 2025 / 9:00 am - noon at Root River County Park / Leader: Sandy Hokanson
Located just south of Rochester near Simpson, Root River has a nice 2 mile loop walking trail and good diverse habitat for a wide variety of birds. We'll look for early-blooming wildflowers, newly arriving migrants like Golden-crowned Kinglets and Yellow-rumped Warblers, and other signs of spring. Dress for the weather. Meet in the parking lot near the picnic tables. Trails can be slippery when wet. This trip will be cancelled if it's raining harder than a light sprinkle.
May 2025

ZVAS Monthly Bird Walk
Saturday, May 3, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leader: Sandy Hokanson
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.
Saturday, May 3, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leader: Sandy Hokanson
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.

Earthfest 2025
Saturday, May 3, 2025 / 9:30 am - 2:30 pm
This year’s EarthFest Expo will be held at the St. Mary’s-Rochester Campus at Cascade Meadow (2900 19th St NW, Rochester, MN). They will be hosting fun events and activities for the entire family - both inside and out - including walks in the Wetlands. ZVAS will be there with our Bird Wheel and lots of information on native plants, birds and more. Plus, one of our bird experts will be guiding an early morning walk around the wetlands looking for waterfowl, shorebirds, sparrows and early arriving warblers. Get more details here:
Saturday, May 3, 2025 / 9:30 am - 2:30 pm
This year’s EarthFest Expo will be held at the St. Mary’s-Rochester Campus at Cascade Meadow (2900 19th St NW, Rochester, MN). They will be hosting fun events and activities for the entire family - both inside and out - including walks in the Wetlands. ZVAS will be there with our Bird Wheel and lots of information on native plants, birds and more. Plus, one of our bird experts will be guiding an early morning walk around the wetlands looking for waterfowl, shorebirds, sparrows and early arriving warblers. Get more details here:

Wildflower Walk at the Izaak Walton Wetlands
Saturday, May 3, 2025 / 1 - 3 pm / Leader: Sandy Hokanson
Meet at the Wetlands parking lot (overflow parking on edge of road - please carpool if possible). We'll circle the wetlands focusing on what's blooming (but we'll also point out the birds we see). We're hoping the Bluebells will be at their peak by this date. Dress for the weather. This area can be muddy/wet in places so wear appropriate footwear. Event will be cancelled if raining. Free and open to the public - no registration required
Saturday, May 3, 2025 / 1 - 3 pm / Leader: Sandy Hokanson
Meet at the Wetlands parking lot (overflow parking on edge of road - please carpool if possible). We'll circle the wetlands focusing on what's blooming (but we'll also point out the birds we see). We're hoping the Bluebells will be at their peak by this date. Dress for the weather. This area can be muddy/wet in places so wear appropriate footwear. Event will be cancelled if raining. Free and open to the public - no registration required

Bird Walks at Kutzky Park
Tuesday, May 6 / Noon - 1 pm / Leader: Lance Vrieze
Thursday, May 8 / 6:30 - 7:30 am / Leader: Mike Degerstrom
Monday, May 12 / Noon - 1 pm / Leader: Lance Vrieze
Kutzky Park near downtown Rochester comes alive with migrating warblers, vireos, orioles, and more every Spring. Join us for a walk at the peak of migration. Arrive and leave as your schedule requires. Walks start near the picnic shelter. Later arrivals can locate the group along the creek between 11th and 16th Ave NW. Additional dates & times may be added.
Tuesday, May 6 / Noon - 1 pm / Leader: Lance Vrieze
Thursday, May 8 / 6:30 - 7:30 am / Leader: Mike Degerstrom
Monday, May 12 / Noon - 1 pm / Leader: Lance Vrieze
Kutzky Park near downtown Rochester comes alive with migrating warblers, vireos, orioles, and more every Spring. Join us for a walk at the peak of migration. Arrive and leave as your schedule requires. Walks start near the picnic shelter. Later arrivals can locate the group along the creek between 11th and 16th Ave NW. Additional dates & times may be added.

Big Birding Day
May 10 / All Day /Leaders: Mike Degerstrom / Sandy Hokanson
This year’s event takes place at the peak of spring migration so we should see a wide variety of birds. We’ll survey several local habitats that include marshy wetlands, lake shore, woods and prairies. To participate simply show up at one of the locations listed below - no pre-registration needed. Event will be cancelled if it's raining more than a light sprinkle or if thunderstorms ar present.
Wetlands: 6:30 am – 7:45am
Meet in the Eastside WMA (County 9 Marsh) parking lot. We’ll look for waterfowl, rails, shorebirds, cranes and other birds from the observation deck before leaving to visit the Silver Creek Reservoir where we hope to see pelicans, cormorants and more.
Chester Woods: 8:00 am - noon
Meet in the boat landing parking lot. If you didn't go to the earlier walks we recommend you be at Chester Woods by 7:45 am in case we arrive early. Depending on how many people attend we may divide into two groups. Warblers, sparrows and other songbirds will be our focus. Be prepared for a 3 mile hike. Leaders will decide which trails offer the best possibilities for seeing birds. We’ll likely cover a combination of the Dam Overlook and North Trails.
Lunch: After the morning walks, we'll pause for lunch and to talk about our favorite finds at Picnic Shelter #1 in Chester Woods. Bring your own food and beverages.
Kutzky Park: 2:00 – 3:00 pm
Meet in the parking lot at 400 16th Ave NW in Rochester. We’ll walk along the creek looking for migrating warblers. This is often a good spot to see Northern Waterthrush as well as Baltimore Orioles and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.
Izaak Walton Wetlands: 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Meet at the wetlands. Located on South Salem Rd, just south of the Weatherhill neighborhood. Park in the area marked or along the shoulder. We’ll circle the wetlands looking for all types of birds including warblers, herons, wood ducks, vireos and other songbirds.
Other notes: Come to one or all of the hikes. Come and go at your own schedule. This event is appropriate for teens - adults. Event takes place in light rain but will be canceled if thunderstorms are present. Bring binoculars, water, your own lunch/snacks and insect repellent if desired. Be prepared to hike over uneven ground.
May 10 / All Day /Leaders: Mike Degerstrom / Sandy Hokanson
This year’s event takes place at the peak of spring migration so we should see a wide variety of birds. We’ll survey several local habitats that include marshy wetlands, lake shore, woods and prairies. To participate simply show up at one of the locations listed below - no pre-registration needed. Event will be cancelled if it's raining more than a light sprinkle or if thunderstorms ar present.
Wetlands: 6:30 am – 7:45am
Meet in the Eastside WMA (County 9 Marsh) parking lot. We’ll look for waterfowl, rails, shorebirds, cranes and other birds from the observation deck before leaving to visit the Silver Creek Reservoir where we hope to see pelicans, cormorants and more.
Chester Woods: 8:00 am - noon
Meet in the boat landing parking lot. If you didn't go to the earlier walks we recommend you be at Chester Woods by 7:45 am in case we arrive early. Depending on how many people attend we may divide into two groups. Warblers, sparrows and other songbirds will be our focus. Be prepared for a 3 mile hike. Leaders will decide which trails offer the best possibilities for seeing birds. We’ll likely cover a combination of the Dam Overlook and North Trails.
Lunch: After the morning walks, we'll pause for lunch and to talk about our favorite finds at Picnic Shelter #1 in Chester Woods. Bring your own food and beverages.
Kutzky Park: 2:00 – 3:00 pm
Meet in the parking lot at 400 16th Ave NW in Rochester. We’ll walk along the creek looking for migrating warblers. This is often a good spot to see Northern Waterthrush as well as Baltimore Orioles and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.
Izaak Walton Wetlands: 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Meet at the wetlands. Located on South Salem Rd, just south of the Weatherhill neighborhood. Park in the area marked or along the shoulder. We’ll circle the wetlands looking for all types of birds including warblers, herons, wood ducks, vireos and other songbirds.
Other notes: Come to one or all of the hikes. Come and go at your own schedule. This event is appropriate for teens - adults. Event takes place in light rain but will be canceled if thunderstorms are present. Bring binoculars, water, your own lunch/snacks and insect repellent if desired. Be prepared to hike over uneven ground.

Field Trip to Hok-si-la Park
Sunday, May 11 / 7:30 am to early afternoon / Leaders: Sandy Hokanson & Dave Gross
Meet at 7:30 am at the east parking lot of the RCTC Heintz Center, 1926 Collegeview Rd E, Rochester, MN 55904 to car pool to Lake City. (Or meet up with us in the parking lot at Hok-si-la at around 8:30 am.) Located along the Mississippi River, Hok-Si-La is a magnet for migrating birds. Bring water, a snack or a bag lunch and dress for the weather. We'll return mid-afternoon. This park has nice walking trails and good diverse habitat for a wide variety of birds. Event will be cancelled if raining more than a sprinkle.
Sunday, May 11 / 7:30 am to early afternoon / Leaders: Sandy Hokanson & Dave Gross
Meet at 7:30 am at the east parking lot of the RCTC Heintz Center, 1926 Collegeview Rd E, Rochester, MN 55904 to car pool to Lake City. (Or meet up with us in the parking lot at Hok-si-la at around 8:30 am.) Located along the Mississippi River, Hok-Si-La is a magnet for migrating birds. Bring water, a snack or a bag lunch and dress for the weather. We'll return mid-afternoon. This park has nice walking trails and good diverse habitat for a wide variety of birds. Event will be cancelled if raining more than a sprinkle.

Bird Walk at Assisi Heights
Saturday, May 17, 2025 / 8:30 - 10 am at Assisi Heights (park in Canticle Parking lot) 1001 14th St NW, Rochester, MN 55901 / Leaders: Sandy Hokanson & Sue Hayes
Join us on a casual walk in this beautiful area as we search for migrating warblers. Wear good hiking shoes and bring binoculars if you have them. In case of inclement weather, the walk may be canceled. NOTE: There is a $5 fee payable to Assisi Heights - and you must register for this event.
A link will be available on the Assisi Height Event Calendar in late April or early May here:
Saturday, May 17, 2025 / 8:30 - 10 am at Assisi Heights (park in Canticle Parking lot) 1001 14th St NW, Rochester, MN 55901 / Leaders: Sandy Hokanson & Sue Hayes
Join us on a casual walk in this beautiful area as we search for migrating warblers. Wear good hiking shoes and bring binoculars if you have them. In case of inclement weather, the walk may be canceled. NOTE: There is a $5 fee payable to Assisi Heights - and you must register for this event.
A link will be available on the Assisi Height Event Calendar in late April or early May here:

ZVAS Monthly Program - TBA
Tuesday May 27, 2025 / 7- 8:15 pm
Watch for details to come.
Tuesday May 27, 2025 / 7- 8:15 pm
Watch for details to come.

Bird Song Walk at Chester Woods
Saturday, May 31, 2025 / 6:45 - 9 am at Chester Woods Park / Leader: Mike Degerstrom
Meet in the boat landing parking lot. With the Spring migration over, birds are busily defending territories, nesting, and raising young birds. The birds are difficult to see but very vocal. This trip will focus on learning many of the songs and calls of the local breeding birds.
Saturday, May 31, 2025 / 6:45 - 9 am at Chester Woods Park / Leader: Mike Degerstrom
Meet in the boat landing parking lot. With the Spring migration over, birds are busily defending territories, nesting, and raising young birds. The birds are difficult to see but very vocal. This trip will focus on learning many of the songs and calls of the local breeding birds.
June 2025

ZVAS Monthly Bird Walk
Saturday, June 7, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.
Saturday, June 7, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.

Field Trip to the Grand Meadow Chert Quarry Preserve & Lake Louise State Park
Sunday, June 8, 2025 / 9:15 am - mid-afternoon / Leaders: Tom Trow, Sue Hayes & Joan Leof
Meet in the far west section of the Rochester Fleet Farm parking lot at 9:15am-(4891 Maine Ave SE, Rochester, MN 55904). We'll car pool to the Chert Quarry Preserve where Tom Trow will talk to us about the history of the area. This site was used by native Americans as an open pit mine to dig for chert - a hard stone similar to flint. They used the chert to craft arrowheads, spear points and more. After our tour of the quarry we'll travel to Lake Louise State Park for lunch and a bird walk before returning to Rochester.
Be prepared for uneven ground, wear good footwear, bring your own binoculars, lunch, beverages and insect repellent. This trip will be canceled if it's raining. A state park sticker is required for all vehicles entering Lake Louise State Park (or you can purchase a day pass) at the park.
Sunday, June 8, 2025 / 9:15 am - mid-afternoon / Leaders: Tom Trow, Sue Hayes & Joan Leof
Meet in the far west section of the Rochester Fleet Farm parking lot at 9:15am-(4891 Maine Ave SE, Rochester, MN 55904). We'll car pool to the Chert Quarry Preserve where Tom Trow will talk to us about the history of the area. This site was used by native Americans as an open pit mine to dig for chert - a hard stone similar to flint. They used the chert to craft arrowheads, spear points and more. After our tour of the quarry we'll travel to Lake Louise State Park for lunch and a bird walk before returning to Rochester.
Be prepared for uneven ground, wear good footwear, bring your own binoculars, lunch, beverages and insect repellent. This trip will be canceled if it's raining. A state park sticker is required for all vehicles entering Lake Louise State Park (or you can purchase a day pass) at the park.

Damsels & Dragonflies
Sunday, June 15, 2025 (Date to be confirmed) / 2 - 4pm at at Chester Woods Park/ Leader:Joel Dunnette
Meet by the kiosk near the boat ramp. Dragonflies and damselflies are amazing creatures – fantastic flyers, with incredible body shapes, beautiful colors, and a distinctive life cycle. Join us to catch some of these alien-looking creatures to examine up close. Families with children are welcome at this fun activity. Free and no registration required.
Sunday, June 15, 2025 (Date to be confirmed) / 2 - 4pm at at Chester Woods Park/ Leader:Joel Dunnette
Meet by the kiosk near the boat ramp. Dragonflies and damselflies are amazing creatures – fantastic flyers, with incredible body shapes, beautiful colors, and a distinctive life cycle. Join us to catch some of these alien-looking creatures to examine up close. Families with children are welcome at this fun activity. Free and no registration required.
July 2025

ZVAS Monthly Bird Walk
Saturday, July 5, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.
Saturday, July 5, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.

Bug Hunt!
Sunday, July 13, 2025 (Date to be confirmed) / 2 - 4pm at at Chester Woods Park/ Leader:Joel Dunnette
Meet at Picnic Shelter #2. Summer is a time of abundance, particularly for insects. Their diversity and beauty is amazing, yet usually overlooked. We'll search the prairie and woods for as many as we can find. We will see up close dragonflies, butterflies, bugs, beetles, and more. Bring your kids, as this will be an active, fun search that will need their keen eyes and youthful enthusiasm. Free and no registration required.
Sunday, July 13, 2025 (Date to be confirmed) / 2 - 4pm at at Chester Woods Park/ Leader:Joel Dunnette
Meet at Picnic Shelter #2. Summer is a time of abundance, particularly for insects. Their diversity and beauty is amazing, yet usually overlooked. We'll search the prairie and woods for as many as we can find. We will see up close dragonflies, butterflies, bugs, beetles, and more. Bring your kids, as this will be an active, fun search that will need their keen eyes and youthful enthusiasm. Free and no registration required.

27th Annual Butterfly Count
Saturday, July 19, 2025 / All Day / Various Locations
Join us as we survey our region’s butterflies! Enjoy finding beautiful and delicate butterflies as we document their populations. Many eyes are needed to locate as many butterflies as possible during our official one day count. Participants in this Citizen Science project should have some experience with butterflies, be prepared for the weather, and be able to walk a mile or more on and off trails. Novices will be paired with an experienced team leader. Bring close-focusing binoculars or a digital camera with close-focusing capability. These are key to field identification of butterflies. Chester Woods has excellent habitat, so we’ll spend considerable time there. See past years’ results here.
For more information or to sign up for a specific time or area, contact Sandy Hokanson at 507-202-4283 or email
Saturday, July 19, 2025 / All Day / Various Locations
Join us as we survey our region’s butterflies! Enjoy finding beautiful and delicate butterflies as we document their populations. Many eyes are needed to locate as many butterflies as possible during our official one day count. Participants in this Citizen Science project should have some experience with butterflies, be prepared for the weather, and be able to walk a mile or more on and off trails. Novices will be paired with an experienced team leader. Bring close-focusing binoculars or a digital camera with close-focusing capability. These are key to field identification of butterflies. Chester Woods has excellent habitat, so we’ll spend considerable time there. See past years’ results here.
For more information or to sign up for a specific time or area, contact Sandy Hokanson at 507-202-4283 or email
August 2025

ZVAS Monthly Bird Walk
Saturday, August 2, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.
Saturday, August 2, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.

Bird Walk at Assisi Heights
Saturday, August 9, 2025 / 8:30 - 10 am at Assisi Heights (park in Canticle Parking lot) 1001 14th St NW, Rochester, MN 55901 / Leaders: Sandy Hokanson & Sue Hayes
Join us on a casual walk in this beautiful area as we search for migrating warblers. Wear good hiking shoes and bring binoculars if you have them. In case of inclement weather, the walk may be canceled. NOTE: There is a $5 fee payable to Assisi Heights - and you must register for this event.
A link will be available on the Assisi Height Event Calendar in late July or early August here:
Saturday, August 9, 2025 / 8:30 - 10 am at Assisi Heights (park in Canticle Parking lot) 1001 14th St NW, Rochester, MN 55901 / Leaders: Sandy Hokanson & Sue Hayes
Join us on a casual walk in this beautiful area as we search for migrating warblers. Wear good hiking shoes and bring binoculars if you have them. In case of inclement weather, the walk may be canceled. NOTE: There is a $5 fee payable to Assisi Heights - and you must register for this event.
A link will be available on the Assisi Height Event Calendar in late July or early August here:

Swift Sit at Assisi Heights
Friday, August 22, 2025 /7:30 - 9 pm at Assisi Heights (park in Canticle Parking lot) 1001 14th St NW, Rochester, MN 55901 / Leader: Sandy Hokanson
Each year citizen scientists count migrating Chimney Swifts that gather in large numbers to roost for the night at sites all over the United States. The large chimney at Assisi Heights is an important roosting spot for these birds and we’ve been invited to come watch and count the Swifts as they enter the chimney for the night. Bring a lawn chair, bug spray and binoculars. Note: Assisi Heights is private property and not open to the public – do not visit this site without permission. Rain date will be Saturday, August 23.
Friday, August 22, 2025 /7:30 - 9 pm at Assisi Heights (park in Canticle Parking lot) 1001 14th St NW, Rochester, MN 55901 / Leader: Sandy Hokanson
Each year citizen scientists count migrating Chimney Swifts that gather in large numbers to roost for the night at sites all over the United States. The large chimney at Assisi Heights is an important roosting spot for these birds and we’ve been invited to come watch and count the Swifts as they enter the chimney for the night. Bring a lawn chair, bug spray and binoculars. Note: Assisi Heights is private property and not open to the public – do not visit this site without permission. Rain date will be Saturday, August 23.

Monarch Tagging
Date to be determined / at Quarry Hill Nature Center
Hold a live Monarch Butterfly in your hand and tag it for its journey south to Mexico. You'll learn about their life cycle and have fun walking in the prairie to catch your Monarch for tagging. (We'll have some pre-caught monarchs ready as well). Come and go on your own schedule - we'll provide some nets. This activity is for all ages. Kids must be accompanied by an adult.
Date to be determined / at Quarry Hill Nature Center
Hold a live Monarch Butterfly in your hand and tag it for its journey south to Mexico. You'll learn about their life cycle and have fun walking in the prairie to catch your Monarch for tagging. (We'll have some pre-caught monarchs ready as well). Come and go on your own schedule - we'll provide some nets. This activity is for all ages. Kids must be accompanied by an adult.
September 2025

ZVAS Monthly Bird Walk
Saturday, September 6, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.
Saturday, September 6, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.

ZVAS Monthly Program - TBA
Tuesday September 23, 2025 / 7- 8:15 pm
Watch for details to come.
Tuesday September 23, 2025 / 7- 8:15 pm
Watch for details to come.
October 2025

ZVAS Monthly Bird Walk
Saturday, October 4, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.
Saturday, October 4, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.

ZVAS Monthly Program - TBA
Tuesday, October 28, 2025 / 7- 8:15 pm
Watch for details to come.
Tuesday, October 28, 2025 / 7- 8:15 pm
Watch for details to come.
November 2025

ZVAS Monthly Bird Walk
Saturday, November 1, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.
Saturday, November 1, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.

ZVAS Monthly Program - TBA
Tuesday, November 25, 2025 / 7- 8:15 pm
Watch for details to come.
Tuesday, November 25, 2025 / 7- 8:15 pm
Watch for details to come.
December 2025

ZVAS Monthly Bird Walk
Saturday, December 6, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.
Saturday, December 6, 2025 / 9 am at Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier
Join us on a casual walk around Quarry Hill Park. Meet by the Nature Center entrance. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dress for the weather. Stay for any length of time. Walks usually last 60 - 90 minutes. Free and open to the public - no registration required.

ZVAS Christmas Bird Count
Saturday, December 20, 2025 / Various locations - All Day
We'll meet at 7:15 a.m. at Silver Lake in Rochester near the old fire station to divide into teams. Each team will cover a section of the Rochester count circle. A mid-day tally will be held at Quarry Hill Nature Center from noon to 1 p.m. (bring your own lunch). An end-of-day tally will be held at the Nature Center starting around 4:45 p.m. All participants are invited to attend. This will be a light potluck supper with soup and bread provided. Some teams bird just in the morning, and some go out all day. Counting is done from the warmth of cars or on short hikes. Participants should dress for the weather and bring binoculars, field guides, and a pen or pencil. To pre-register or for more information contact Clifford Hansen at 507-281-0249 or
Saturday, December 20, 2025 / Various locations - All Day
We'll meet at 7:15 a.m. at Silver Lake in Rochester near the old fire station to divide into teams. Each team will cover a section of the Rochester count circle. A mid-day tally will be held at Quarry Hill Nature Center from noon to 1 p.m. (bring your own lunch). An end-of-day tally will be held at the Nature Center starting around 4:45 p.m. All participants are invited to attend. This will be a light potluck supper with soup and bread provided. Some teams bird just in the morning, and some go out all day. Counting is done from the warmth of cars or on short hikes. Participants should dress for the weather and bring binoculars, field guides, and a pen or pencil. To pre-register or for more information contact Clifford Hansen at 507-281-0249 or
Click to view upcoming programs at Whitewater State Park
Click to view upcoming programs at Quarry Hill Nature Center
Click for information about Olmsted County Parks
Click to view upcoming programs at the International Owl Center
Click to view upcoming programs at Quarry Hill Nature Center
Click for information about Olmsted County Parks
Click to view upcoming programs at the International Owl Center